
ByLee Wade

The REAL Price of Supervised VISITS

The REAL Price of Supervised VISITS 

From the initial father who called me in late 2014 to 20+ fathers later in 2018, there is one significant commonality, 

Dad’s and Supervised contact. 

One day you are part of a family, you kiss your child good night every night, you are a significant part of their every day. You continue to live in the family home and whilst their is acrimony, you hang on, as you know once the door shuts the fight starts. 

Dad’s I have seen the same mistake over and over and over, you accept supervised contact without ascertaining as to the risk you allegedly pose to your child, without a clear plan of intervention to eliminate this risk, there maintaining a healthy parent child relationship. There is no outcome or timescales, or reviews of the supervised contact. There is no scale of child’s need in terms of contact with the non custodial parent, even though their is an abundance of information and and research available. It appears to be a whipping stick, a stalling mechanism, measured finances (if you have the money to pay for the supervised contact) not at all in the best interest of a child. Its never authentic, quality time that a parent would share with a child. 

The parent is always under scrutiny and knows that all will be reported to the courts. Yet the desperation to see your child is immense, emotional and consuming. It is a cycle of desperation, loss, living for the next few hours of contact, back to waiting until you can see them again. Dads try to Whatsapp or video call their children, however children don’t want to be tied to a device to have contact with a parent, they want their parents visible felt and physically present to them. 

One of my cases told me that he had spent a a huge amount of money with a mandated social worker – for 39 hours contact . The contact was for all three of his sons, however he often only had two children attend due to the long periods of absence. This father has bought with everything he has available in admits of having two serious operations, loosing his employment, close family members being diagnosed with cancer, countless court cases, police involvement, huge legal fees whilst riding the emotional turbulence without a parachute. 

So the lesson in this little article is as follows – find out what is the real price of supervision, ask the questions:

1. as to why you are being supervised as a non custodial parent?  

2. Ask what interventions or programmes you can attend to minimize the risk that you allegedly present?  

3. What is the time scale of the supervised visits? 

4. How will these been assessed and does the hours of supervised visits benefit the development needs of the children?

Lee Wade

Byalta du toit

Courage is a Choice

 Karen Aurit, Michael Aurit
March 2021

This article is included in a collection of stories to be published as “Family Conflict During a Pandemic: Stories of Struggle and Hope “

Choosing to move through your separation with courage in the face of fear is the one battle in a divorce worth winning. It requires that you share your truth with the person from whom you are separating, with authentic self-awareness. 

As professional family mediators, we understand the depth of the divorce experience. We witness your process and see you as people with deep emotions and with a history that, for better or worse, has shaped who you are.  We also stand witness to the history of your relationship and the underlying conflicts that have developed. 

Just as doctors diagnose and treat your physical conditions, divorce mediators diagnose and treat your relationship conflicts. We guide you to make best decisions together. We support you in having the courage to continue through the difficult and often painful process of divorce.

The word “courage” derives from the Latin word cor, which means “heart. During a divorce, many people try to shield their hearts. The truth is that the more you speak from your heart during divorce, the closer you get to the heart of the matter. This is where you and your spouse can reach your best possible agreements. 

“Courage leads to vulnerability,” says professional mediator Kristyn Carmichael. “When we mediators are vulnerable with clients, we connect with them in a way that we couldn’t if we held them at arm’s length.” 

When the mediator moves into a vulnerable position, asking sensitive questions in a positive and neutrally framed way, it gives separating spouses permission to respond truthfully, without defensiveness or threats. Spouses actually need to voice the truth, to best solve problems through divorce conversations.

Courageous conversations contain the secrets to discover life-altering opportunities during a divorce. When a mediator asks difficult and courageous questions, it provides spouses the opportunity to give honest and courageous answers.  The most challenging problems may evolve into opportunities when you feel the freedom to explain what you need and why you need it.

Jamie is a child with serious underlying health conditions. In the early days of the pandemic, one of Jamie’s parents had not participated in basic social-distancing practices and continued to resist doing so. The other parent had withheld the child from parenting time for three weeks, fearing harm would come to Jamie. 

Mediator: How do you both keep Jamie safe and continue allowing her to share time with both of you?

Parent: Look, this is a control thing. The health issues are being exaggerated. The reason that I’m not following these restrictions is because it’s what my soon-to-be-ex wants.

Mediator: I’m curious, hypothetically, what if the only way to have time with Jamie right now was to practice the social-distancing guidelines being proposed? If it was the only way to keep Jamie safe, would you consider it?

Parent: I don’t know. 

Mediator: Can you imagine, for a moment, a scenario where something harmful did happen to your child? 

Parent: No, I couldn’t imagine that. I wouldn’t — [long silence] Okay, we need to figure this out.  

Divorce can be filled with some of life’s most impactful problems. Equal to the magnitude of these problems lies the magnitude of the opportunities. This is also, and maybe especially, true during the pandemic. 

We can begin to view family conflict as a chance to act courageously. Only through conflict do we grow. Choosing to grow takes courage. Any problem has an answer if we have the courage to search for it. And, in searching, there is an opportunity to land at an even better place. 

  Karen Aurit, MA, is Director of Mediation Services and co-founder of The Aurit Center For Divorce She is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. She holds her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Arizona State University and Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy from Antioch University in Los Angeles. She also holds her Mediation Certification from The Straus Institute For Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine Law. Karen background is informed mindfulness theory, which focuses on stress reduction. She can be reached at    
ByLee Wade

The Do’s and Don’ts of Co-Parenting Well

Effective problem solving can help you avoid getting depressed.

Living with a chronic condition, like depression, requires you to focus on creating balance and well-being on a daily basis. For those who are separated, divorced, or sharing custody of a child, the struggles of co-parenting can produce enormous stressors.

Co-parenting, sometimes called joint parenting or shared parenting, is the experience of raising children as a single parent when separation or divorce occurs. Often a difficult process, co-parenting is greatly influenced the reciprocal interactions of each parent. So, if you’re parenting in a healthy way but your Ex isn’t, your children will be at risk for developmental problems. The same goes if you’re being too permissive and your Ex is too stern. Co-parenting requires empathy, patience, and open communication for success. Not an easy thing to achieve for couples who’ve encountered marital issues. However, placing the sole focus on your children can be a great way of helping to make co-parenting a positive experience. Here are some tips.


Two Ways of Problem Solving

When co-parenting, there are two problem-solving techniques to keep in mind: Strategic problem-solving and Social-psychological problem-solving.

The strategic problem-solving model looks just at the issues at hand. The behavioral aspects of your child’s problem are highlighted as are the co-parenting trouble spots. Do not address the emotional reasons why problems are happening. As co-parents, you will identify the problem and negotiate choices and solutions as objectively as possible. Strategic problem solving directs each parent to resolve conflict through a careful approach of 1) exchanging information about needs and priorities, 2) building upon shared concerns, 3) and searching for solutions. This is done without getting into your or your Ex’s emotional needs wants and desires.

Social-psychological problem solving is a more emotional way of resolving issues. The focus here looks at your attitudes and the emotional reasons for co-parenting blind spots. While the social-psychological model, like the strategic model, assumes that parenting conflicts are bound to arise, it differs from the strategic model focusing on the psychological factors that drive conflict and negotiation impasses. Talking with your Ex using this model can be tough, and it’s okay if you never reach this way of problem-solving. But if you do, remember not to be accusatory or critical. Invite your Ex to see your side with empathy, compassion, and authentic concern for the children.



  • Commit to making co-parenting an open dialogue with your Ex. Arrange to do this through email, texting, voicemail, letters, or face-to-face conversation. There are even websites where you can upload schedules, share information and communicate so you and your ex don’t have to directly touch base.
  • Rules should be consistent and agreed upon in both households. As much as they fight it, children need routine and structure. Issues like mealtime, bedtime, and completing chores need to be consistent. The same goes for school work and projects. Running a tight ship creates a sense of security and predictability for children. So no matter where your child is, he or she knows that certain rules will be enforced. “You know the deal, before we can go to the movies, you gotta get that bed made.”
  • Commit to positive talk around the house. Make it a rule to frown upon your children talking disrespectfully about your Ex even though it may be music to your ears.
  • Agree on boundaries and behavioral guidelines for raising your children so that there’s consistency in their lives, regardless of which parent they’re with at any given time. Research shows that children in homes with a unified parenting approach have greater well-being.
  • Create an Extended Family Plan. Negotiate and agree on the role extended family members will play and the access they’ll be granted while your child is in each other’s charge.
  • Recognize that co-parenting will challenge you – and the reason for making accommodations in your parenting style is not because your ex wants this or that, but for the needs of your children.
  • Be Aware of Slippery Slopes. Be aware that children will frequently test boundaries and rules, especially if there’s a chance to get something they may not ordinarily be able to obtain. This is why a united front in co-parenting is recommended.
  • Be boring. Research shows that children need time to do ordinary things with their less-seen parents, not just fun things.
  • Update often. Although it may be emotionally painful, make sure that you and your Ex keep each other informed about all changes in your life or circumstances that are challenging or difficult. It is important that your child is never, ever, ever the primary source of information.
  • Go for the high notes. Each of you has valuable strengths as a parent. Remember to recognize the different traits you and your Ex have – and reinforce this awareness with your children. Speaking positively about your Ex teaches children that despite your differences, you can still appreciate positive things about your Ex. “Mommy’s really good at making you feel better when you’re sick. I know, I’m not as good as she is.” It also directs children to see the positive qualities in his or her parent too. “Daddy’s much better at organizing things than I am.”
  • Don’ts
  • Don’t burden your child. Emotionally charged issues about your Ex should never be part of your parenting. Never sabotage your child’s relationship with your Ex trash talking. Never use your child to gain information about things going on or to sway your Ex about an issue. The main thing here is this: Don’t expose children to the conflict. Research shows that putting children in the middle of adult issues promotes feelings of helplessness and insecurity, causing children to question their own strengths and abilities.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions or condemn your Ex. When you hear things from your children that make you bristle, take a breath and remain quiet. Remember that any negative comments your children make are often best taken with a grain of salt. It’s always good to remain neutral when things like this happen. Research shows that your child can learn to resent and distrust you if you cheer them on.
  • Don’t be an unbalanced parent. Resist being the fun guy or the cool mom when your children are with you. Doing so backfires once they return to your Ex – and sets into motion a cycle of resentment, hostility, and a reluctance to follow rules for all involved. Remember that children develop best with a united front. Co-parenting with a healthy dose of fun, structure, and predictability is a win-win for everyone.
  • Don’t give in to guilt. Divorce is a painful experience and one that conjures up many emotions. Not being in your child’s life on a full-time basis can cause you to convert your guilt into overindulgence. Understand the psychology of parental guilt – and how to recognize that granting wishes without limits is never good. Research shows that children can become self-centered, lack empathy, and believe in the need to get unrealistic entitlement from others. Confusion understanding the dynamics of need versus want, as well as taming impulsivity becomes troublesome for children to negotiate too.
  • Don’t punish your Ex allowing your child to wiggle out of responsibility. Loosening the reigns because you just want to be a thorn in your Ex’s side is a big no-no. “I know Mommy likes you to get your homework done first, but you can do that later.” “Don’t tell Daddy I gave you the extra money to buy the video game you’ve been working towards.” If you need to get your negative emotions out, find another outlet. Voodoo dolls, skeet shooting, and kickboxing can yield the same results, but with less of a parenting mess. Remember, work before play is a golden rule – and one that will help your child throughout their lifetime. Making sure to be consistent helps your child transition back and forth from your Ex – and back and forth to you too.
  • Don’t accuse. Discuss. Never remain quiet if something about your Ex’s co-parenting is troubling you. If you don’t have a good personal relationship with your Ex, create a working business arrangement. Communication about co-parenting is extremely vital for your child’s healthy development. No finger-pointing or you-keep-doing-this kind of talk. The best approach when communicating is to make your child the focal point: “I see the kids doing this-and-that after they return home from their visit. Any ideas of what we can do?” Notice there’s not one “you” word in there. No accusatory tone or finger-pointing either.